Friday, January 4, 2013

Battle We Call Life


      Waking up this morning just thinking to myself.. Why is it easier to do wrong then to do right and on top of that wrong doing can sometimes get you more then good doing. See sometimes doing good feels like your doing it for nothing. Your broke, your lonely and single for being a good woman or guy. Your getting disrespected by the ones that take your kindness for a weakness.  Candy always looks better then broccoli! Sin always looks like it feels better then doing the godly thing. We sometimes are hurt by the feeling like we are doing hard work for nothing... BUT!!!! God knows and sees all. Your good works are gaining you in the kingdom of heaven! You may not see your works helping someone but please trust me when I say ppl are being blessed by you being a blessing. Candy will always taste better then broccoli but candy will always cause you to get sick and or damage your body. Broccoli will make you stronger. It will restore your strength and help the body! The things that areelp you in the long run. Just like God and good works. So in this battle we call life.. Keep fighting and keep doing what god called you to do! Thank You

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